Sunday, September 27, 2009


So I'm just sitting here, pondering things. And lately I have found myself so conflicted. Why do so many things in life have to be so complicated? Why can't everything just make sense with a glance? I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, I just needed to vent. I am conflicted with myself right now. I have one situation where I am forced to make a choice. Walk away, or play on someone else's terms. I have never before in my life allowed someone else to dictate to me how a friendship will be, especially when that person is not involved directly in said relationship. Until now I have chosen to avoid the choice all together, and recently I've come to realize that doing that has only made me more angry. And I know all too well, that when you bottle up emotions like that, eventually, they will explode. So I'm forced to choose. But how can I choose? There are so many details. I'm sure if I just closed my eyes and cut away all the crap, and all the drama, and saw the situation for what it really is, then it wouldn't be that hard of a choice. My friendship with someone depends solely on how badly this person wants it. And apparently, it's not too important. Hopefully I will be able to elaborate on this someday soon. But right now, I have a lot of thinking to do. I just hate that things have to be so dang complicated.

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