Tuesday, February 16, 2010

29 weeks and still growing...

Wow.  29 weeks pregnant.  Only 2 months to full term!  And I maybe be overly hopeful here, but I am certain this child will be born during, or maybe even before, the 38th week.  Both the girls came in the 38th week, so this child I think will be the same.  The only reason I say maybe even before, is because since I only have the ultrasound to go from to determine a due date.  Well...they have given me a due date based on the little man's size measurements, but both of the girls always measured small for their due dates.  Not having an LMP to go from is really messing with my head!! :)

Anyway....I am doing good.  I'm more uncomfortable all the time now.  I have days when it's REALLY difficult to breathe and I lose energy pretty quickly.  But most days I am doing pretty well!  I have certainly entered the 3rd trimester, and I am feeling it.  I'm tired most of the time, and I'm in the bathroom constantly!  But hey...I guess it comes with the territory!  I say that no news is good news when it comes to being pregnant.  The dr told me at the last appointment that she would call if my glucose test was abnormal...well she didn't call...so that's good!  The next appt. is on March 8th, so we'll see then.

I have fallen down on the job with taking pictures lately, so I'm lacking in that department, but I'll pick that up again, and post more of them!!  I'll be back with more news from us soon!! 

Love to all!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

living life...busy as ever!

Ok...so once again, I have let too much time pass without an update!!  So sorry!!  So here goes...

I am 28 weeks pregnant today!  Wow!!!  My last update was 25 weeks, so I'll catch up with the pics first.

26 weeks

27 weeks

and today, 28 weeks

I still can't get over how much faster I am getting big this time around.  This is about as big as I was around 32 weeks.  And believe me, my back knows it!  I'm already so uncomfortable!!  ARGH!!! 
Anyway...I had an OB appointment yesterday.  Pretty uneventful.  I had minor concerns about some headaches, and since I am a veteran at this whole pregnancy thing, my dr. seems to trust that I will know when something is wrong, and as long as I listen to my body and rest when I need to...then I shouldn't have any issues.  So far, my blood pressure is nothing to be alarmed about.  =)  Thank heavens, because with two crazy girls to chase around, I don't have time to be told to rest!!  HA!!! 

Ok well, I will run a quick update on a couple of the last weeks happenings.  Caylie had her first dentist appointment last week.  Oh boy.  She was NOT a happy camper.  The kid hates people messing with her mouth, and put up quite a fight.  They didn't get the x-rays they wanted, but they managed to get her to calm down enough to do the cleaning!  And the good news....no cavities!  YAY!!! 

In the waiting room, being such a good girl!

And not happy in the dentists' chair!

But all in all, she did really well....and I was really proud of her!!  I cannot believe she will be 4 in May!!  Which brings me to my next point!  She finally got a big girl bed!!  A few months after I would have liked to have her in it, but we finally got it, and she LOVES it!!!  After she fell asleep, she looked so cute, and I couldn't help but just stare at her for a while!  I know, I'm a nerd!! 

Isn't she beautiful!!!

Ok...well.  That's all I have time for now.  It's bed time for the munchkins...but I'll post more soon.  I have been so exhausted lately...  but I'll be back!!!  =)