Saturday, January 16, 2010

25 weeks update

Today has been a very pleasant day!  We decided to drive up to the North Shore to have lunch at Cholo's.  Very yummy mexican place!  I told Jon that his son thanked him because I have been wanting TONS of mexican food this pregnancy!!  The waves at the pipeline aren't very exciting right now, so I'm hoping to go back in a month or six weeks to check it out again.  I want to get some pictures.  I can't believe that I've lived in Hawaii for over two years now and I haven't been to see the pipeline in all it's glory!  So we had a very nice family afternoon, and both the girls zonked out in the car on the way home!  I requested a stop at Cold Stone, and after picking up some very yummy ice cream, we got home and are relaxing!  We haven't had a day go this smoothly in a while, so I'm very pleased!! 

Today, I am 25 weeks pregnant!  Week after week I am amazed at how fast the time is flying by.  Even though it feels like forever some days, I know that before we know it we will be bringing out little boy home!  That's quite a thought!  Caylie is already do excited!  She is so cute when she talks about him coming.  "I'm gonna get a brudder!!!"  She'll tell anybody that will listen!  My next dr. appt. is February 5th.  I had Jon take this picture a little bit ago when we got home.

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